What are your trading hours?
GFG88.com traders are available 24 hours daily from 06:00 Monday to 05:00 Saturday. These times may vary on market holidays and where daylight savings time applies.
Times shown are Cambodia time unless otherwise specified.
Can I trade with GFG88.com if I am not using my main computer?
You may trade with GFG88.com from any computer with an Internet connection. Simply go to www.gfg88.com and login to your account. If you are traveling or do not have access to a computer with an Internet connection, you may execute trades over the phone by accessing wap.gfg88.com or calling the GFG88.com trade desk. .
What other services does GFG88.com offer?
GFG88.com's dealing software provides each client with a wide range of trading tools, including technical analysis and charting, real-time news feeds, real-time profit and loss analysis, and full back office capabilities. GFG88.com's market professionals will also provide daily FX commentary. Finally, account statements are sent at the beginning of each month, and list all transactions for the previous month by currency and value date, a summary of all current open positions, and account balance as calculated at the close of business on the last business day of the month.
What are GFG88.com's margin requirements?
GFG88.com's initial margin requirement for a standard account is $1,000 on our minimum trade size of 100,000.
For Detail Margin Requirement, please refer to GFG Margin Requirement
GFG88.com will only execute trades on margin if the client has sufficient funds in his or her account.
Can I place orders over the phone?
You may trade with GFG88.com from any computer with an Internet connection. Or if your phone has internet access, you can just access wap.gfg88.om to trade. Otherwise just go to www.gfg88.com and find us phone, you may execute trades over the phone with a GFG88.com dealer.
Can I place a trade via e-mail?
No. We do not accept trades via email. You may place via www.gfg88.com, wap.gfg88.com or by calling 00855-23-999889