Demo Practice Incentive |
GFG88 welcome you to learn to trade forex and apply for free demo practice account. We offer real bonus to each demo account.
Each new opened demo account will have a $20,000 initial demo deposit. After the 30 days demo practice period, we’ll send you real bonus according to the ratio of 1:100 of your profit. The maximum bonus is 500 U.S.dollars.
For example: Customer A has initial $20,000 of demo funds. If till the expiry of 30 days he achieved a profit of $40,000, then accompanied by a 1:100 ratio customer A will receive $400 bonus, and this bonus will deposit to his real account
* All the demo account should be opened from 1st,March to 31th,March.
* Customers are required to register with their real whole name that appears on their ID card or Passport. Everyone can open only one unique demo account.
* The bonus can be withdrawn after you have completed 5 standard lots in your real account.
* Customer can apply for the bonus in advance without waiting for the expiry of 30 days.
* Through the demo bonus, GFG88 hopes to enable our customers to be more serious in learning forex trading, which will help you much to make the real trade in the future.
* GFG88 reserves the right of final interpretation.