Contract Expiry
Contract Expiry
Contract Trading hours Underlying Futures Exchange Contract expiry date Contract expiry time
UK Oil(BCO) 01:00-23:00 (Friday close 22:00) (London) ICE - London Second to last business day of the month two months prior to the contract month. For example, Mar 2016 contracts will expire on 28 Jan. 19:30 (London)
US Oil(WTI) 18:00-17:00 (Friday close 17:00) (NewYork) NYM - NewYork 4th business day prior to the 25th calendar day of the month preceding the delivery month. If the 25th calendar day of the month is a non-business day, trading shall cease on the 4th business day prior to the last business day preceding the 25th calendar day. (Every month) 16:30 (New York)
Soybean 19:00-07:45 & 08:30-13:20 (Chicago) CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov) 13:20(Chicago)
Wheat 19:00-07:45 & 08:30-13:20 (Chicago) CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 13:20(Chicago)
Corn 19:00-07:45 & 08:30-13:20 (Chicago) CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 13:20(Chicago)
Cotton 21:00-14:20 (New York) NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 6 business days before the 1st business day of the contract month (Mar, May, Jul, Oct, Dec). 14:20 (New York)
Sugar 04:30-13:00 (New York) NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 2nd to last business day of the month proceeding the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Oct) 13:00 (New York)
Copper 18:00-17:00 (Friday close 17:00) (New York) CMX - London 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. 16:30 (New York)
Winter Time (From November 7th to March 3rd)(Cambodia Time)
Contract Trading hours Underlying Futures Exchange Contract expiry date Contract expiry time
UK Oil(BCO) 08:00-05:00 ICE - London Second to last business day of the month two months prior to the contract month. For example, Mar 2016 contracts will expire on 28 Jan. 02:30
US Oil(WTI) 06:00-05:00 NYM - NewYork 4th business day prior to the 25th calendar day of the month preceding the delivery month. If the 25th calendar day of the month is a non-business day, trading shall cease on the 4th business day prior to the last business day preceding the 25th calendar day. (Every month) 04:30
Soybean 08:00-20:45 & 21:30-02:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov) 02:20
Wheat 08:00-20:45 & 21:30-02:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 02:20
Corn 08:00-20:45 & 21:30-02:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 02:20
Cotton 09:00-02:20 NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 6 business days before the 1st business day of the contract month (Mar, May, Jul, Oct, Dec). 02:20
Sugar 15:30-01:00 NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 2nd to last business day of the month proceeding the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Oct) 01:00
Copper 06:00-05:00 CMX - Commodity Exchange Inc 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. 04:30
Daylight Saving Time (From March 4th to November 4th)(Cambodia Time)
Contract Trading hours Underlying Futures Exchange Contract expiry date Contract expiry time
UK Oil(BCO) 07:00-04:00 ICE - London Second to last business day of the month two months prior to the contract month. For example, Mar 2016 contracts will expire on 28 Jan. 01:30
US Oil(WTI) 05:00-04:00 NYM - NewYork 4th business day prior to the 25th calendar day of the month preceding the delivery month. If the 25th calendar day of the month is a non-business day, trading shall cease on the 4th business day prior to the last business day preceding the 25th calendar day. (Every month) 03:30
Soybean 07:00-19:45 & 20:30-01:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov) 01:20
Wheat 07:00-19:45 & 20:30-01:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 01:20
Corn 07:00-19:45 & 20:30-01:20 CBT-Chicago Board of Trade 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec) 01:20
Cotton 08:00-01:20 NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 6 business days before the 1st business day of the contract month (Mar, May, Jul, Oct, Dec). 01:20
Sugar 15:30-00:00 NYB-ICE Futures US Softs 2nd to last business day of the month proceeding the contract month. (Mar, May, Jul, Oct) 00:00
Copper 05:00-04:00 CMX - Commodity Exchange Inc 2 business days prior to the 1st day of the contract month. 03:30




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